Monday, January 16, 2023

Best way to do Training Needs Identification or Training Needs Analysis

 How to effectively do TNA or TNI?

Training Needs Analysis or Training Needs Identification or Training Needs Assessments, it all means the same.

The effective means to assess the competency of an individual against his performance to bridge the gap through various interventions to ultimately achieve the organization goal.

There are numerous methods to identify and assess TNAs. You can employ templates, or questionnaires, self assessment forms, Job or task evaluation, model exercises, and lot more.

I have provided a set of templates for a particular department across hierarchy within the team for effective knowledge transformation.

I have taken the most common department in any organization for our discussion. The accounts department is one of the important and fully functional department in any organization.

In our study there are 4 hierarchies, 

There is a clear organization goal provided by the top management through its vision & mission statements.

The accounts department has to derive its departmental goals based on the organization goals.

The manager needs to understand and identify his core competencies that aligns with the OG, and it flows down the hierarchy.

Now lets setup the Accounts department.

The task

As a HR professional or Change Agent or Training Consultant you are given the task to identify the skill level of the accounts department.

  1. Will first need to list out the JD or RR of each levels in the department. Initially it can function with an executive and later on we can build and develop the departments downline or upline.
  2. After fixing the RR - assess the existing accounts team member for the relevant skills.
  3. If the executive possess relevant skills as required for smooth functioning of the department then there is not much training interventions required.
  4. If the executive falls short of the skill level then identify the skill gap and provide trainings to upskill as required for executing the job or task.
  5. Continue this exercise at regular intervals for the effectiveness of the production and for the career growth of the team member.

The templates

There are numerous templates to capture TNA, you can use the following to avoid any blank page syndrome. You are your own creative boss, you may add any core competencies, delete any tasks if its not the priority or the major tasks that contributes to the OG.

Manager Accounts

Asst Manager Accounts

Executive Accounts

Asst - Accounts

The Analysis

I have collated all the core competencies of the team members for ease of comparison and elucidation of the TNA for various job roles.

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