Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Train the trainee's at the right time.

When - Offering Your Team Training Is a Bad Idea !! 

Every good manager wants their team to have the skills to succeed. Whenever a manager finds a gap in the skill, he decides to bridge the gap through training. Not knowing if it actually would pay him his results.

So it makes sense to invest in training, right? Not so fast.

Training can be powerful when it addresses an underdeveloped skill or knowledge deficit.

But too often managers turn to training or formal learning when it won’t actually solve the problem it’s meant to.

When is training worth trying? 

(1) First, be sure your internal systems support the newly desired behavior. 
For example, training in proactive decision making won’t help employees if senior leaders make all the decisions in your company. 

(2) Second, there needs to be a commitment to change. 
If your team isn’t willing to address a problem’s root cause, training won’t have the intended benefit. 

(3) Third, the training needs to be connected to strategic priorities. 
If employees can’t see how what they’re learning relates to where the company is headed, you’ll waste your money — and their time.

Courtesy : Harvard Business Review .

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